Davos 2003

Ørnulf and I have been to Davos a couple of times and what prompted us to return this time, was the excellent snow conditions(again), the varied terrain and thesteep prices. Steep prices means the offpiste mostly to ourselves(few skibums).

This is from the first trip, much to our pleasing it had been snowing just before we arrived and we found plenty of untouched off-piste.

Pretty soon the wheather started picking up. It doesn't look it, but we had between -5 and -20 C, with varying wind conditions. Pretty cold! On the other hand, it did wonders for the snow conditions. Powder all the way!

Ørnulf has a yellow helmet.

We found a particular route with lots of untouched skiing. It started with some skattered bushes, ended up in forrest and with a comfortable egg-lift at the bottom(15 minutes). This was the “old faithful” route this trip.

More pictures from “old faithful”.

As the weather picked up, some new areas opened up to us. This is from our trip down to Wolfgang.

Overlooking Wolfgang at the end of the decent.

Knackered! :-)

As we had more snow and lots of wind, Parsenn closed(where we usually go), so we went a bit further south to a different system, Rinnerhorn. Again, amazing conditions.

As the weather conditions improved, the upper parts of Rinnerhorn opened up and we found a new favourite route where nobody had been since the last snowfall! Amazing!

The last day, we got some blue skies again. Parsenn just opened up again, and we couldn't wait to get going again.

Nobody had been skiing in the area above for days after snowing, as you'll see below.

This picture I've called “Why we ski offpiste”. I don't think I would have kept going to the alpes, if I couldn't go off-piste. It is simply marvellous to have a whole mountain side all to yourself! Ah!

Ørnulf preparing himself...

And off we go!

And it is my turn!

We were actually skiing from Weisflühjoch towards Klosters. The particular thing about skiing in the forest is that the snow is much more protected from the wind, hence much fluffier. Yummy!

This is our last day. We had lunch at ~16:00 :-) Ørnulf would have continued skiing in the evening, if it had been possible.

My knees couldn't take it anymore. All done!